Studio Tour Prep & Blooming Bluebells / by Tina Thieme Brown

Virginia Bluebells in my garden are blooming in all their glory.  I planted a small plant 8 years ago, so I am very excited to see this large, happy colony of Bluebells.  Throughout the various gardens I have planted everything is coming to life, amidst all the preparations for the Spring Studio Tour in 10 days.  

It is always a push for me to get the studio cleaned up, walls patched, Art framed and hung in a new arrangement, garden weeded and refreshed, porches swept and setup for Countryside Artisan customers to come on the Spring Tour.   I love seeing familiar faces on the tour and new customers to my studio.  The conversations and friendships created by this seasonal ritual is fun, and it gives me a chance to see how my art is connecting.

I am going to try and stay focused on those friendships and the Bluebells, as I work my list of to-do's in and out of the studio.  The studio may have some dust, there may be bare patches in the garden from winter damage, and all the new art may not find a frame, or be tagged.  While it is important to be ready for customers, I als want to stay present with the Bluebells cycling through their flowering phases as the Cherry Trees start to bloom.